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Vesa Kalervo Ekholm
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Fotomo shopping-cart icon...

27 Jun 2011, 18:23

It seems, that sometimes it´s there and sometimes it´s not...sometimes it´s there but won´t work and sometimes it´s there and works...

Let say, that I go to any any image and click the shopping-cart icon and it works. Then I change the image with large arrows (left and right of the image)...and the icon is gone under that image or it´s there but won´t work.

Just downloaded the 2.7.4 which didn´t correct this matter...
Best regards,

Vesa Kalervo Ekholm
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Re: Fotomo shopping-cart icon...

27 Jun 2011, 23:13

Vesa Kalervo Ekholm wrote:Let say, that I go to any any image and click the shopping-cart icon and it works. Then I change the image with large arrows (left and right of the image)...and the icon is gone under that image or it´s there but won´t work.
I had similar problems with the shoppingcart.
What I did was that I wanted to be sure that Fotomoto new every image that I had for sale. To do this I run a slideshow myself of every folder that was involved. The result of this was that Fotomoto now has all my sellable images.
Don't have this problem anymore.
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Vesa Kalervo Ekholm
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Re: Fotomo shopping-cart icon...

28 Jun 2011, 13:47

Martin wrote:
Vesa Kalervo Ekholm wrote: What I did was that I wanted to be sure that Fotomoto new every image that I had for sale. To do this I run a slideshow myself of every folder that was involved. The result of this was that Fotomoto now has all my sellable images.
Don't have this problem anymore.
Thanks Martin...I´ll try that until the bug is fixed !

Best regards,

Vesa Kalervo Ekholm
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Re: Fotomo shopping-cart icon...

28 Jun 2011, 16:37

I did not experience this when settings up the demo gallery, but here is how it works:

1. An image loads in Imagevue
2. Imagevue sends a small call to Fotomoto and checks what purchase options are available for this item
3. Purchase items (buttons) are rendered, or removed entirely if image is not for sale or does not have any products.

As you may understand from the above, the fotomoto functionality is not entirely instant after an image is loaded. When I was testing with the demo gallery though, it was generally loading so fast that I didn't even have time to click or hover a fotomoto button before the options were loaded. There is a chance you have been viewing your gallery at a time where the fotomoto server, or internet traffic in general, has been above average.

# Add another ingredient - If your images are being added to Fotomoto for the first time, this will cause an even longer delay. Why? Because Fotomoto first needs to download the image from your server, add it to your dashboard and create a thumbnail before it can even return the options for the specific image. After it has been added to your dashboard, second time you access it, it will naturally load options much faster.

Speaking of Fotomoto dashboard - Did you solve the issue where images were not getting added to your dashboard?
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Vesa Kalervo Ekholm
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Re: Fotomo shopping-cart icon...

28 Jun 2011, 17:09

mjau-mjau wrote: Speaking of Fotomoto dashboard - Did you solve the issue where images were not getting added to your dashboard?
Yes I did...thanks for your help with that !

Anyway...there´s something fishy with that shopping cart icon and it´s functionality how ever it is... For example...there´s an image indexed by fotomoto hours ago and as I view it the icon is visible and working. Then I view another image and after that see the first one again and the icon is still there but won´t work. Another time it may happen that the icon disappears completely...

Just tried it again and it´s seems that this happens when one views an image/folder not yet indexed by fotomoto. The icon is there but won´t work. I checked another image at that same folder and the icon wasn´t there at all.. I gave it a few seconds and tried it again...still didn´t work. Only thing that helped was shutting down the browser and entering that folder a second time.

What Martin suggested seems to work... I quickly browsed all the images so that fotomoto "saw" them. Exited browser and viewed the images again and all worked just fine.
Best regards,

Vesa Kalervo Ekholm