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user permissions x3

29 Mar 2016, 12:01

Is there a option to ban users from removing the folders 1.index en custom ?
Or can this be made into a option in the permissions?

Because it is the fourth time this month that one of my users deleted the 1.index.
For now none of the users can delete files, but that is not a good solution.
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Re: user permissions x3

29 Mar 2016, 13:25

You can't set up users so they are limited to a subfolder?
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Re: user permissions x3

29 Mar 2016, 17:09

No not really. Because they write all the stuff by them self. And therefore they need access to everything. is the webadres, everything is in dutch.
This is a coverband that wanted a new site, so i did the setup for them.

If they like it, they buy it.
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Re: user permissions x3

30 Mar 2016, 00:14

Ok, problem is INDEX is really just a normal page named "index" ... If you want admin users to be able to edit it, then they will be able to edit (and delete) it like any other page ... It seems a bit illogical to hardcode the system to prevent delete for the index page if the user has access to it, as some users may actually want to delete- and recreate it.

Here is some custom CSS you can add, that will hide all delete/move/copy buttons from the index:
tr[data-name="1.index"] .td-button .btn-group, tr[data-name="1.index"] .td-checkbox > input, ul.mtree li[id="menu_1_index"] .mtree-tools, #page_content_1_index .current-folder-btns {
	display: none !important;
Create a file panel/custom.css, add the code above. It will automatically be loaded into the panel. Please test it from a user-login ... I am not 100% sure your panel it updated to load this file.

For the next release, I will add some code so that you can add CSS specifically for USERS, that does not affect super-admin.

PS! It could be your users were affected by this bug, which is fixed in pending release: ... 12&start=0
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Re: user permissions x3

02 Apr 2016, 10:33

Thanks, that little piece of CSS did the trick.

I understand your point of view that it's just a normal page, but without that page the site doesn't work.
So in my eyes, it's a little bit special. :wink:
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Re: user permissions x3

02 Apr 2016, 23:49


PS! After next release, you may want to move your custom panel css from panel/custom.css to config/panel.css. It's better to store custom stuff in your config folder, so updating becomes easier, while keeping your customizations.
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Re: user permissions x3

08 Apr 2016, 14:26

Some improvement for pending release: