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Languages in panel

12 Jan 2017, 09:14

Hi at all,
still with version X3 0.21.4 there are no german or french translations although there is the possibilty to change the language. My client is thinking about migrating from X2 to X3 by setting up X3 from scratch. Anyway, it's a problem for him when there is no german panel. Could you announce a time period when the translation progress will be done at this time? Or, is there any possibilty for me to make the translation for his version?
Thanks for your answers in advance!
Cheers, Manuel
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Re: Languages in panel

12 Jan 2017, 11:08

Just to make it clear, there is in fact translation in German and French for the main interface items:

We did not translate each and every individual setting though, because 1) we need to make sure it doesn't break interface layout, and 2) Each setting has a MASSIVE amount of help connected ... It's not a small task to abstract titles, descriptions and help for each setting.

To see the amount of data we have to create a translation interface for, you can view these two files: ... chema.json

You could translate "title": "TEXT" in those files, but it's a big job ... Ok if you just change titles, but translating all the help features would take you many days.

Anyway, this is definitely on the radar for a future release, but there won't be a fix for panel languages for several months realistically speaking. We plan to rebuild a new version of the panel.