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Joined: 04 Jan 2019, 12:28

Logo title text animation remove spaces between words

09 Jan 2019, 00:59

Hi... AP>Style>Logo style
If you type logo title include spaces between words, it will remove spaces at user interface. There is no problem if you disable "Logo Effects"
For example, "Logo Test"  will be convert to "LogoTest" in user interface.
I solved my problem by using ALT+255 character between words, but i think it is a bug.

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Re: Logo title text animation remove spaces between words

09 Jan 2019, 03:28

I see what you are saying, but it's not really a bug. For this effect, X3 can only detect words by splitting the logo by "empty space", in which case each word by itself becomes a unique element that animates. We can't really re-add the empty space into one of the elements, and besides, it would warp the animation slightly because the empty space would become part of the animated elements width. Furthermore, as you may have noticed when using the 3D effect, elements are colored differently, effectively making up a "logo".

As it's created, this is how me and many want it:

Although it would be possible to change it as you have requested, this would affect the logo for everyone who is using this effect, and it's not the desired outcome for everyone.
  • You can use code   for example "logo  here".  It will create an empty space equivalent after "logo".
  • Or you can use custom CSS to programmatically apply the perfect margin between your animated logo elements.
  • Or if you disable the optional 3D effect, logo will flow exactly as added, including spaces.
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Posts: 4
Joined: 04 Jan 2019, 12:28

Re: Logo title text animation remove spaces between words

09 Jan 2019, 06:35

Good, complete and enough answer. Thanks.