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Posted: 27 Aug 2019, 14:45
by Mike_Chandler
Is Fotomoto still connecting to X3 ?  I've enabled it, setup the store, added the code to the particular gallery, then enabled in the gallery plugins, then poof, it populates a few images with buying options, messes up the layout of the page and then won't do the floating buy button.
pic 3.jpg
pic 3.jpg (29.34 KiB) Viewed 14060 times
pic 2.jpg
pic 2.jpg (17.42 KiB) Viewed 14060 times
pic 1.jpg
pic 1.jpg (32.25 KiB) Viewed 14060 times

Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 27 Aug 2019, 23:44
by mjau-mjau
It seems perhaps you have not added Fotomoto store ID correctly in the Fotomoto plugin settings? You now have the domain name, but the ID should be a hash that you should find in your Since the script does not get loaded correctly, it is causing the errors on page.

Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 29 Aug 2019, 06:02
by Mike_Chandler
Got it with someone's help in your end, Yay, on mobile devices when an image is opened I should still see a bit option? Just not in the whole gallery based on what I read on the demo site

Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 29 Aug 2019, 08:43
by mjau-mjau
Mike_Chandler wrote:Got it with someone's help in your end, Yay, on mobile devices when an image is opened I should still see a bit option?  Just not in the whole gallery based on what I read on the demo site
I'm not 100% sure what you mean ... We decided that Fotomoto was poorly designed for mobile devices (small screens), so we decided to disable Fotomoto by default for mobile devices. In your Fotomoto settings, you can UNCHECK "Disable for small mobile devices", in which case the interface will display also on small mobile devices ... However, it will not work nicely, so this is the compromise you will have to accept if you really want to enable fotomoto for small mobile devices, which it is unlikely visitors will be using to purchase photos.

If the 3rd party Fotomoto interface was designed to work nicely also on small mobile screens, we would not have needed this setting in the first place.

Re: Fotomoto

Posted: 29 Aug 2019, 10:01
by Mike_Chandler
Gotcha ya